What Are The Five Pillars Of Islam?

Five Pillars Of Islam

The five pillars of Islam hold significant importance. They must follow these pillars to live according to their faith. The pillars provide a framework for living a life by Islamic beliefs.

Faith (Shahada):

Muslims must take a Shahada to enter Islam. The Shahada is a statement that declares Allah is the only God and that one believes in the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

It is most important to recite that;

“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad (PBUH) is His prophet”.


“There is no God but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (PBUH) is His servant and messenger”.

Prayer (Salah):

A Muslim must perform Salah five times a day in the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca. Because of Salah, a Muslim can establish a strong connection with Allah Almighty and be aware of sins.

In the Quran, Allah says about Salah:

“Verily, Salah restrains (oneself) from shameful and unjust deeds’’.

Charity (Zakat):

Charity is a practice for Muslims to give part of one’s wealth to needy and poor people. Muslims give 2.5 percent of their wealth to fulfill the needs of needy people.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated: 

“A man is not a believer who fills his stomach while his neighbor is hungry.”

Sawm (fasting):

It is a practice of fasting for Muslims in the month of Ramadan. Muslims fast from dawn until sunset and are aware of eating, drinking, and other physical needs. Fasting has two purposes: To create empathy for less fortunate people. To thank Allah and remember His blessings.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said about Sawm that;

"Five principles found the basis of Islam. One of these is to fast (by Islamic teachings) during Ramadan”.

Pilgrimage (Hajj):

Muslims do Hajj in the city of Mecca at least once in their lifetime. The Hajj develops unity among Muslims belonging to different areas all over the world.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said about Hajj that;

“The performance of Umrah during Ramadan is equal (in reward) to performing Hajj with me”.

The Basic Principles Of Islam Are:

Islam is a religion. People believe that Allah is one based on their faith. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is His last prophet. The most important in Islam is that:

There is only one Allah:

Muslims believe that Allah created the world and that they should worship only Him.

The Belief in the Prophets:

Muslims believe that Allah sent Prophets to teach people. Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad are all prophets. Muhammad is the last and final prophet.

The Belief in the Holy Book:

The holy book of Muslims is the Quran. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) revealed the teachings of Islam.

The practice of prayer:

Muslims offer prayers five times a day facing toward the Kaaba in Mecca. It is an important pillar of Islam.

The practice of fasting:

Muslims practice fast during Ramadan which is a time of empathy for those people who are less fortunate. Muslims stop eating, drinking, and other physical needs from dawn until sunset in fasting.

The practice of giving Charity:

Muslims must give a portion of their wealth to needy people.

What Is The Importance Of Salah?

The Importance Of Salah

Salah is an important part of Islam. There are some reasons why people consider it so important, and these reasons are:

  • Connection with Allah
  • A reminder of our purpose
  • Community spirit
  • Discipline and time

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How do the five pillars of Islam shape Islamic life?

The five pillars of Islam are very important for Muslims. These pillars provide a framework for Muslims to spend their lives according to them. The five pillars shape their Islamic life in these ways:


This is the primary and most crucial tenet of Islam. It establishes the belief in Muslims that Allah is the one. It fosters a sense of faith and trust in Allah’s plans.


Salah is the second pillar of Islam. Muslims pray five times a day in the direction of the Kaaba. It develops a deep connection between Allah and Muslims.


Zakat is the third pillar of Islam in which Muslims give a portion of their wealth to needy people. This practice fosters a sense of empathy and responsibility.


Sawm is the fourth pillar of Islam, where Muslims fast from sunrise to dawn. This practice fosters a sense of self-control and patience.


Hajj is the last and fifth pillar of Islam. Muslims perform Hajj once in a lifetime in the city of Mecca. This practice fosters a sense of unity among Muslims.

Common Misconceptions About The Five Pillars

The Five Pillars of Islam are significant in Muslims’ lives. But sometimes they are subject to misconceptions and misunderstandings. Some common misconceptions about the five pillars are:

  • Some people think that the Five Pillars are the entirety of Islam. They overlook the minor aspects including ethics and teachings of Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Some people believe that the Five Pillars are only rituals that have no real-time impact.
  • Some people believe that every Muslim must perform Hajj. It is only obligatory for those Muslims who are physically and financially stable to perform Hajj.
  • Some people believe that the Five Pillars are only for practicing Muslims.
  • Some people think that giving charity is only for Muslims to benefit them. But it is an act to aid needy people regardless of any faith and religion.

Note: Learn more about MashaAllahAllahu Akbar and Alhamdulillah.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Five Pillars of Islam?

Muslims consider the Five Pillars of Islam acts of worship that form the foundation of their faith.

Why are they called the “Five Pillars”?

The Five Pillars are important for Islamic belief and give a strong foundation of faith for Muslims.

What is the significance of the Shahada (Declaration of Faith)?

The Shahada is believing in Allah’s oneness and Muhammad’s prophethood (PBUH). It is the most essential belief in Islam.

What is Salat (Prayer) and how many times a day do Muslims pray?

Salat is an Islamic practice and Muslims offer it Five times a day facing in the direction of Mecca.

What is the importance of Zakat (Charity) in Islam?

Muslims must give a portion of their wealth to needy people as they have a mandatory obligation to pay Zakat.

What is Sawm (Fasting) during Ramadan?

Sawm is the practice of fasting in the month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset.

What is Hajj and why is it significant in Islam?

Hajj is obligatory for all Muslims who are physically and financially stable to undertake it at least once in their life.

What are the rewards for practicing the Five Pillars of Islam?

Muslims believe that following the Five Pillars strengthens their faith, deepens their connection with Allah, and promotes spiritual growth.

Do all Muslims practice the Five Pillars in the same way?

The Five Pillars have consistent principles for Muslims, but how they practice can vary based on regional, cultural, and other factors.

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